Saturday, November 04, 2006
Say Cheese!

I think is good that we all toot our own horn from time to time. This past week my Russian accomplice and I did something we were quite proud of and had a lot of fun with so its worthy of a blog entry. Pavel and I went on an 8 day all gay cruise to the Pacific side of Mexico, it was our first gay cruise so we weren't entirely sure what to expect. One thing people would ask me is if we were planning to decorate our door because lots of people do. Not wanting to miss part of that fun, but not sure what kind of decorating people are talking about, Pavel and decided we must participate. After extensive brainstorming through email and over our Sunday champagne bruches we finally settled on decorating our door as a Cameltoe Photo Booth.
In preparing for the photo booth I printed up the best color photos of cameltoe I could find. The color printer is on the other side of my office so would hit print and run as fast as I could just to make sure nobody saw me printing pictures of snatch in bad clothes. How would I explain that to HR? The gay guy printing pictures of pussy...Just when you thought the world couldn't get any more confusing.
Our door consisted of lots of cameltoe photos, commentary on the photos, cameras of course (so people could take pictures of whatever they wanted, hopefully cameltoe of course), the wikipedia definition of cameltoe (for those who don't know) and a log sheet for people to leave the names and room numbers of men or women on the ship who were sporting cameltoe. When we received a listing we would call that persons room requesting they report to the photo booth to get their photo shoot. Nobody ever called back...Lame.
As the week went on more and more people were using the camera so I am very anxious to develop the photos. One of our neighbors was this cute guy from Kuwait, we continued to urge him to show us his cameltoe but he wouldn't. Later in the week he finally gave in, took off his shoe and showed us his big middle eastern toe...eewwww! It was then we realized he didn't know what cameltoe was and he thought we were just being derogatory and calling him a camel. This is when the wikipedia definitions came in very handy.
The real excitement was on the last night during a comedy show in the main theatre. A lesbian comic who covers many gay events around the world is giving her weeklong wrapup. This lady takes notes and pictures throughout the week to amuse us all on the last night with her summary of the trip. To a packed theatre she began to talk about some of the decorated doors she had seen and mentioned that this Cameltoe Photo booth down on the third floor was by far the most interesting one. That it was all too disturbing and bizarre, and that everyone should go see it. NICE! Our cameltoe photo booth was the talk of the ship and a great way to end our vacation.
We are taking another cruise in January. Since the photo booth was such a success, cameltoe will be back and better than ever. The next time you have cameltoe... Take a picture, the memories will last forever!
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No wonder arabs hate Americans. LOL :) Too damn funny, DC10. I have tears in my eyes laughing about your Kuwaiti neighbor
TOO funny DC10! Such a great idea, I told all my friends on the cruise to find the "Camel Toe" door.
Love that the guy from Kuwait didn't know what Camel Toe was. hahahaha
Where would be be without Wikipedia?
Love that the guy from Kuwait didn't know what Camel Toe was. hahahaha
Where would be be without Wikipedia?
ok i just have to tell you MY cameltoe story. so i used to live above this middle eastern guy (he was from jordan). he was pretty cute so when he asked me out i decided to indulge, despite my misgivings about dating neighbors. anyways, halfway through our courtyard dinner, i caught myself staring at his feet...he was wearing flip-flops (hey, we live in LA). i was trying to concentrate on what he was saying, but my eyes kept darting back to the ground. something wasn't quite right down there. all of the sudden it hit me - i immediately began counting his toes, stealing glances trying to remain furtive. and..yep, you guessed it. there on his left foot was an extra toe. only it wasn't an extra toe where you might think it was (on the side of his foot). no. toe #6 was actually invading the space between natural toes #4 and 5. and, thus you have a bona fide "cameltoe". awwww....
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