Thursday, April 20, 2006
The Mexian Chee-toe Incident

Now most people think I am the one that’s usually out causing chaos when really this is not the chase. It must be written in the stars or something that the chaos comes to me. No matter where I go, it will find me somewhere while I am just minding my own business.
Let’s just take my last trip to Puerto Vallarta for example (see photo). My friends and I were sitting outside in a nice bar next to the pool discussing important things like designer jeans and dance parties. When all of the sudden we hear all this hooting and hollering … a group of wild people run in who are obviously very drunk (note: it was not me who was drunk). About 4 guys and 4 girls… they seemed pretty straight and looked like they had just come out of Senior Frogs after a long day of drinking. The guys proceeded to strip down to their skivvies and dive into the pool then carry on to do lots of dirty dancing with their bitches in tow. Still soaking wet they run up to everyone’s table smacking each others asses. Then they come up to our table saying that they wanted money because they were poor college students. Oh please… I will donate to my own cause before this kind of nonsense. So they carry on waving their little pink gay for pay penises in our faces wanting cash. Instead of almonds or something on the table they had little plates of Chee-toes (they must be some kind of delicacy south of the boarder). I grabbed a handful of Chee-toes and stuffed them into one of the guys underwear… he didn’t seem to like my generosity so moved onto the next table. Now I am not really sure if these boys were really straight or not. It’s very possible they are on the bi-now-gay-later plan. But it just goes to show… Even spaghetti is straight until you cook it!
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David speaks the truth, trouble finds him, irregardless of where he happens to be. The bitch could be in church & some drama will undoubtedly unfold!
Oh and those boys were gross! So not worth your time or the handful of yummy Cheeto's! Next time put some Miss Vickie's Jalapeno chips down their pants and watch them dance!
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Oh and those boys were gross! So not worth your time or the handful of yummy Cheeto's! Next time put some Miss Vickie's Jalapeno chips down their pants and watch them dance!
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