Friday, June 23, 2006
You better recognize!

Contrary to popular belief, I do work…and sometimes very hard. It is true that I often indulge in two hour lunches, three hour daytime workouts and extended shopping trips downtown. Some people think that even when I am at work all I do is cruise (Thanks for the free membership Dan! Love you gurl!!), message my entire aim buddy list (topping over 100 screen names – hey, I can’t help it if I am popular) and retain my throne as the number one homo here at the office.
There may have been some circumstances that may not have necessarily benefited my career… like the time I passed out drunk at my desk and woke up three hours later. My coworkers had taped a sign to my head that said: “Victim of Jaggermeister” and brought me water and vitamins. Then there was the time I was wearing some very tight spandex and my penis accidentally bust out and fell out onto my boss desk…OOPS! Maybe me and Aaron spent more time working on our office ant farm than our real duties on certain days, but they were really REALLY good ants. And of course there was the time I accidentally spilled a bag full of small colored illicit pills all over the floor of my department area, those babies can really roll! I think I was able to recover all of them. But again I must add, none of these things are relevant in evaluating the quality, integrity and dedication of my work.
This week I actually have some proof that I do in fact do good work. About once or twice a month here at my office they recognize someone for doing great work and to my surprise this week they recognized me doing just that. A few weeks back our client came to us and wanted us to produce a campaign that would normally take us 5-6 weeks in 2. My handsome boss was vacationing in Thailand, my other account director was unable to be in the office and our client partner was in Hawaii. That left me to do the work of three people in half the amount of time and I pulled it off without a hitch. So there you have it… if you are one of these people that think I am some kind of slacker. Think again!
On a side note if anyone would like to hear about the lesbian and the ant farm, the spandex or the Jaggermester I can make a post about those on another day.